Almonds are a promising high value crop for Palestinian farmers, with a demand that makes them equal to olives in value. Almonds can help farmers stay on their land and earn a dignified livelihood.
Poor pollination can harm almond quantity, uniformity and quality. Almonds depend entirely on honeybees for pollination at bloom time, as they are the most efficient and organic method of pollination.
Farmers were uprooting their almonds due to low yield because of pest infestations and poor pollination. Through a partnership with the Canaan Center for Organic Research & Extension (CORE), farmers are able to implement solutions to the threat to their crop by eliminating the almond seed wasp that would otherwise continue to devastate almonds.
Thanks to LOCF supporters, CORE was able to provide training in organic almond grafting beginning in 2018. In the following year, farmers began grafting the proper pollinator trees in our farmer’s almond orchards as a direct result of working with CORE.
Addressing this critical challenge to almond farming has also vastly improved the quality of production to Fair Trade standards, thereby expanding access for farmers in Palestine to a global market. The Palestine Fair Trade Association (PFTA) even began including almond seedlings in their Trees For Life program as a result of the success of the program, further motivating Palestinian farmers to plant almonds.
Higher pollination means higher almond production, ability to meet the market need and a secure livelihood for farmers. Plus, hives yield high nutrition honey that can be sold. And, the hives continue to increase through natural breeding - taking self sustainability to a new level.
You can help by supplying bees for Palestinian farmers. CORE contracts with professional bee pollination services, or trains farmers as beekeepers and supplies the beehives and equipment. Both solutions - the farmer decides which is best for him - reach the recommended saturation of 1-3 hives per 4 dunums for 100% pollination of almonds.
Prime time for beehives are January and February every year. Your help anytime will create a buzz in Palestine!