Reusing Water in Jenin
Fair trade farmer Imad in Jenin
Farmers in Jenin have formed the first farmers cooperative to focus on wastewater irrigation in the West Bank. Fifteen farmers had a four day training session in Jordan, touring farms and wastewater treatment facilities. The training will continue in Jenin. The program will utilize recycled water from the Jenin wastewater treatment facility to benefit 240 farming families in need of better irrigation methods for their land. This project should relieve them of most of their financial burden in paying to extract and transport water. There is a water crisis in the West Bank under the occupation.
This is an ANERA agricultural project, funded by their donors and the OPEC fund for International Development. Read the full report, with a great story about farmer Imad Musleh, on the ANERA website.
Imad is also one of the initial circle of 15 farmers that started the Palestinian Fair Trade Association (PFTA) in 2004. Fair trade has opened so many doors for Palestinian farmers. Fair trade organizes people to work collectively. The network is built and is available for the community to address and resolve other issues of common interest. The working farmers of Palestine deserve your support to build an independent Palestinian economy.