CSA in Palestine
Ultra fresh and healthy organic vegetables for CSA in Palestine
Canaan Farm in Palestine sells weekly boxes of healthy organic food direct from the farm to local Palestinian families. This is a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) for Palestine! The goals are:
To develop consumer organic awareness and establish a local organic market in Palestine.
To bring Palestinian farmers year round self sufficiency and a steady income.
This means Food Sovereignty for Palestinians!
Tending broccoli on model farm; between crop covers and red Palestinian soil!
You supported the model Canaan Farm in training organic farmers. There are 5 paid workers at the farm. Some farmers choose to sell their produce to supply the CSA food baskets. All farmers get paid throughout the season and they get to know the people who eat the food they grow. Members eat ultra fresh organic food with flavor and nutrition benefits.
Your gifts are feeding Palestine and teaching farmers a transformational business. Thank you!